In this article
The starting page for this AddOn (in either version) is the job list view - . Here you will see any CRM Connector jobs listed which have been setup under your Forsta Plus login to transfer data to any Salesforce environment.
Note: If you have setup logins to both a production and sandbox Salesforce environment then all of these jobs will appear in the list. However those which are not setup under the current logged-in Salesforce account will be labeled “Not in current account”.
Figure 1 - Example of the Job list
For each job in the job list, the following information is provided:
- The Job Label - a description of the data transfer job.
- Information on recent data synchronization – for recurring transfers, the time and date of the most recent synchronization is shown. If that transfer succeeded there is a green circle. If that transfer failed there is a red circle. If the job is not setup to recur the circle will be grey.
- The task definition ID – this number is a link to the logs associated with this job. You can click on this link to view the detailed history of this job in the Forsta Plus task system.
- The Forsta Plus Company name for the Forsta Plus User.
- The Forsta Plus User Name.
- The Forsta Plus Survey Name (Import jobs write in to this survey, whereas export jobs read from this survey).
- The Forsta Plus Survey ID.
- The Salesforce environment organization name.
- The Salesforce org id – hover over the info icon to see this id.
- The Salesforce Object Name (Import jobs read from this primary object, whereas export jobs write to this object).
- The Salesforce Object ID.
- An icon identifies the Salesforce environment either as a Sandbox org or a Production org.
- An icon identifies the Forsta Plus source table type for exports or the target table for imports – The icon indicates you are exporting from the Forsta Plus respondent table into Salesforce, or importing into the Forsta Plus respondent table from Salesforce. The icon means you are exporting Forsta Plus survey response data into Salesforce. The icon means you are importing data from Salesforce into a Forsta Plus custom data table.
- Log in button – if you have not logged into Salesforce, you may see a log-in button on the Salesforce job. Click this to log in to Salesforce so that you can change the job or see additional details about it.
- Information / warning messages – if the Forsta Plus survey has been archived or deleted you may see a warning message about that. Similarly if the Salesforce object associated with a job is not accessible or deleted you may see a message about that, too.
In cases where you are logged into a different Salesforce environment than the one associated with a CRM Connector job, some information about the Salesforce environment and object may not be accessible.
Note that for each job there is also an expandable menu of Actions on the right side of the page. These actions allow you to manage the jobs, edit them, or delete them if they are no longer needed.
Logging in to Salesforce
When using CRM Connector for Salesforce, at various times you may need to log into Salesforce in order to see information stored in the Salesforce environment or make changes to it. When a Salesforce login is required, you will be presented with the following login screen - :
Figure 2 - Selecting the Salesforce environment
- Select the Salesforce environment you wish to log in to (it may be a production Salesforce org, or a sandbox Salesforce org; both are supported):
- Production site: use this option to log in to a production Salesforce environment.
- Sandbox site: use this option to log in to a sandbox Salesforce environment if you are doing some testing before creating the link in your production environment.
- Enter your Salesforce login credentials and click Log In - .
- After you click Log In, you will then be logged into Salesforce and can proceed with the next step to use the feature.
Figure 3 - The login page